You may now clear your profile of your personal details and opt to become invisible in search results and be left out of suggestions.In the Personal Information section, click Edit profile. Your browser will open and direct you to your profile page.On the page that loads, scroll down and click Edit profile.If you do not have access to any of the email addresses, click I don't have any of these and follow the on-screen instructions: On the following page, you will need to verify your identity choosing to receive a code at one of the secondary email addresses presented.On the screen that follows, enter your password, then click Sign In.Firstly, go to this page, enter your Microsoft email, phone number, or Skype username, and click Next.To permanently close your Skype account, and all of your associated Microsoft accounts, you must first complete some security steps.

How to permanently close your Skype account? If you need one or more of your accounts, delete your Skype data instead. Therefore, deleting this account will remove your access to other Microsoft services such as your Outlook inbox, your Office applications online, your OneDrive documents, and your Xbox Live GamerTag. Since Microsoft purchased Skype, your accounts are linked. Remove username from the Skype directory.Delete your account from the login screen.Delete your personal information from Skype.What to do before closing your Skype account.